Monday, April 12, 2010

About Book-Bound

Welcome to Book-Bound!  Here, we do two things:

  • We talk about every aspect of the writing process.  This is as much for aspiring writers as it is for us; we want to be able to offer knowledge, tools, and [sometimes differing] opinions about the whole deal.  Writing, publishing, agenting (eek).  Book deals.  Contracts.  What have you.  

  • We're going to chronicle the fiction publishing journeys our two lovely contributors.  (Yes, I did just refer to us in third person.)  Think of it as a crash-course in getting published.  We'll tell you what works, what doesn't, and how badly we screwed up our pitch to Agent Awesome, so that your journey might be a little smoother.
So enjoy, have a look around, and be sure to visit us on YouTube and Twitter!